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Купить книгу La Chance D'Être Allergiques ?, автора Carmine  Cavaliere
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La Chance D'Être Allergiques ?
L'objectif de ce livre est d'aider les patients atteints d'allergies à mieux supporteur les symptômes de cette pathologies, également d'un point de vue psychologique.
Купить книгу Энциклопедия животных: на суше, под водой и в воздухе, автора Джона Фарндона
Энциклопедия животных: на суше, под водой и в воздухе
«Энциклопедия животных: на суше, под водой и в воздухе» познакомит читателя с самыми умными и удивительными представителями животного мира и расскажет о поразительных способностях, которыми они обладают. Кто самые невероятные строители царства животных? Умеют ли слоны рисовать? Зачем тигру полоски? Что за песни поют киты? Лёгкость изложения и красочные иллюстрации подарят море положительных эмоций и помогут узнать всё самое главное о мире животных. Приготовься удивляться!
Купить книгу Динозавры для малышей, автора А. В. Тихонова
Динозавры для малышей
С книгой Александра Васильевича Тихонова «Динозавры для малышей» невозможно соскучиться! Здесь крупный шрифт, очень много рисунков для малышей и короткий познавательный текст о самых разных динозаврах: трицератопсах и диплодоках, птеродактилях и лесотозаврах и многих-многих других!
Купить книгу Marine Genetic Resources 1, автора Bleuenn  Guilloux
Marine Genetic Resources 1
Advances in research and development reveal the immense diversity and potential of marine genetic resources. Under international law, no specific regime applies to these complex and paradoxical objects of use. The Law of the Sea Convention sets a framework that is partly inadequate for this new category of resources. The Biodiversity Convention and the Nagoya Protocol only address the genetic resources of national areas. Patents allow their holder to exercise a monopoly on exploiting biotechnological creations to extensive claims, questioning the common nature of biodiversity and related knowledge. They hinder research and the objectives of biodiversity law. The legal and practical rules of physical and functional access vary in geometry. They focus on the valorization of research results, crystallizing conflicts of interest between suppliers and users. Sustainable research and development is essential to the knowledge and protection of marine biodiversity. The qualification of marine genetic resources in common, standard contractual tools, distributed research and development infrastructures, negotiation of an agreement on sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, would To remove these inconsistencies.
Купить книгу Fishes in Lagoons and Estuaries in the Mediterranean. Diversity, Bioecology and Exploitation, автора
Fishes in Lagoons and Estuaries in the Mediterranean. Diversity, Bioecology and Exploitation
Lagoons and estuaries are transition spaces between earth and sea. Beyond their expanse, geographic repartition, geomorphological, hydroclimatic and ecobiological diversity and biodiversity, they play an important role in regional economies and are some of the ecosystems most vulnerable to global change. Reinforced by numerous references, this book studies Mediterranean lagoonal and estuarine fishes whose diversity largely depends on the composition of neighboring marine and continental ichtyofauna. The authors describe their morphological, biological, ecological and behavioral characteristics by evoking their distinctive features and differences with their marine or freshwater homologues. Their adaptation strategies, elucidated thanks to recent advances in morphology, genetics and molecular biology, are recognized as a major advantage in the context of climate change. This book is for natural environment managers, engineers, teachers, students and researchers.
Купить книгу Фотографирование под водой, автора Александра Матанцева
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Фотографирование под водой
Фотографирование под водой требует особой экипировки, хорошей аппаратуры и умение обрабатывать снимки в Adobe Photoshop. Для фотографирования рыб требуется особая маска, ласты, или акваланг. Получаемые снимки имеют голубизну, их следует обрабатывать. Выбор фотоаппарата зависит от глубины съемки, чистоты воды, скорости съемки.Обо всем этом вы узнаете из этой книги. В качестве примеров приводятся снимки рыб, кораллов, крабов, черепах, в различных местах отдыха в России и в Красном море. Кроме того, по показанным примерам, можно самостоятельно создать фотографические сюжеты. Книга предназначена для туристов, а также для любителей природы.
Купить книгу The Homing Instinct: Meaning and Mystery in Animal Migration, автора Bernd  Heinrich
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The Homing Instinct: Meaning and Mystery in Animal Migration
The story and science of how animals find their way home.Home is the place we long for most, when we feel we have travelled too far, for too long. Since boyhood, acclaimed scientist and author Bernd Heinrich has returned every year to a beloved patch of woods in his native western Maine. But while it’s the pull of nostalgia that informs our desire to go back, what is it that drives the homing instinct in animals?Heinrich explores the fascinating science behind the mysteries of animal migration: how geese imprint true visual landscape memory over impossible distances; how the subtlest of scent trails are used by many creatures, from fish to insects to amphibians, to pinpoint their home; and how the tiniest of songbirds are equipped for solar and magnetic orienteering over vast distances. Most movingly, Heinrich chronicles the spring return of a pair of sandhill cranes to their pond in the Alaska tundra. With his marvellously evocative prose, Heinrich portrays the psychological state of the newly arrived birds, articulating just what their yearly return truly means, to the birds and to those fortunate enough to witness this transcendently beautiful ritual.The Homing Instinct is an enchanting study of this phenomenon of the natural world, reminding us that to discount our own feelings toward home is to ignore biology itself.
Купить книгу The Hidden Life of Trees: The International Bestseller – What They Feel, How They Communicate, автора Peter Wohlleben
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The Hidden Life of Trees: The International Bestseller – What They Feel, How They Communicate
How do trees live? Do they feel pain, or have awareness of their surroundings? Research is now suggesting trees are capable of much more than we have ever known. In The Hidden Life of Trees, forester Peter Wohlleben puts groundbreaking scientific discoveries into a language everyone can relate to.In The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben shares his deep love of woods and forests and explains the amazing processes of life, death, and regeneration he has observed in the woodland and the amazing scientific processes behind the wonders of which we are blissfully unaware.Much like human families, tree parents live together with their children, communicate with them, and support them as they grow, sharing nutrients with those who are sick or struggling and creating an ecosystem that mitigates the impact of extremes of heat and cold for the whole group. As a result of such interactions, trees in a family or community are protected and can live to be very old. In contrast, solitary trees, like street kids, have a tough time of it and in most cases die much earlier than those in a group.Drawing on groundbreaking new discoveries, Wohlleben presents the science behind the secret and previously unknown life of trees and their communication abilities; he describes how these discoveries have informed his own practices in the forest around him. As he says, a happy forest is a healthy forest, and he believes that eco-friendly practices not only are economically sustainable but also benefit the health of our planet and the mental and physical health of all who live on Earth.After a walk through the woods with Wohlleben, you’ll never look at trees the same way again.
Купить книгу The God Species: How Humans Really Can Save the Planet..., автора Mark  Lynas
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The God Species: How Humans Really Can Save the Planet...
Originally published as The God Species: How the Planet Can Survive the Age of HumansThe green movement has got it very wrong.Nature no longer controls our planet – it is humanity, ‘the god species’, that must save the environment we have inflicted unprecedented damage upon. And the tools we must use are the very technologies that environmentalist have told us for years will spell disaster: nuclear power, GM food and geo-engineering.In this blistering and urgent manifesto, Mark Lynas identifies a new future for the green movement and an entirely fresh agenda for how we will save the Earth, and ourselves.
Купить книгу The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips, автора Michael  Morpurgo
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The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips
A heart-warming tale of courage, set against the backdrop of the second world war, about an abandoned village, a lifelong friendship and one very adventurous cat!‘Classic Morpurgo brilliance’ – Publishing News"Something's up. Something big too, very big. At school, in the village, whoever you meet, it's all anyone talks about. It's like a sudden curse has come down on us all. It makes me wonder if we'll ever see the sun again."It's 1943, and Lily Tregenze lives on a farm, in the idyllic seaside village of Slapton. Apart from her father being away, and the 'townie' evacuees at school, her life is scarcely touched by the war. Until one day, Lily and her family, along with 3000 other villagers, are told to move out of their homes – lock, stock and barrel.Soon, the whole area is out of bounds, as the Allied forces practise their landings for D-day, preparing to invade France. But Tips, Lily's adored cat, has other ideas – barbed wire and keep-out signs mean nothing to her, nor does the danger of guns and bombs. Frantic to find her, Lily makes friends with two young American soldiers, who promise to help her. But will she ever see her cat again? Lily decides to cross the wire into the danger zone to look for Tips herself…Now, many years later, as Michael is reading his Grandma Lily's diary, he learns about The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips – and wonders how one adventurous cat could still affect their lives sixty years later.Note that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.
Купить книгу Nature’s Babies, автора Mike  Dilger
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Nature’s Babies
Купить книгу Mr Skip, автора Michael  Morpurgo
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Mr Skip