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Купить книгу Bound: A sizzling hot Western romance, автора
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Bound: A sizzling hot Western romance
Layla Powell is on the run.Contracted as a mail-order bride, Layla is terrified when two cowboys, working for her mysterious fiancé, capture her. At first she fights tooth and nail for her freedom, but Charlie and his lover Etu have persuasive means to subdue their feisty captive.What Layla doesn’t know is that Charlie is really her elusive fiancé. Layla was supposed to be his wife in name only, but he and Etu like what they see and are sure that with just one night – with the both of them – they can convince Layla to abandon her escape.BOUND is the first in The Wild, Wild West trilogy – out now!Book 1 – BoundBook 2 – ScandalBook 3 – Menage
Купить книгу Any Man Of Mine: A Waiting Game / A Loving Arrangement, автора Diana  Palmer
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Any Man Of Mine: A Waiting Game / A Loving Arrangement
New York Times bestselling author Diana Palmer delivers two classic tales of unexpected loveA Waiting GameAfter getting her heart broken seven years ago, Keena Whitman fled town. Now she's back, and a successful designer at last. But when she sees Nicholas Coleman again, all the feelings she'd tried so hard to forget come rushing back. Letting Keena go was the biggest mistake Nicholas ever made. This time he's ready to prove he’s her perfect match—in love and business.A Loving ArrangementAs Greyson McCallum's longtime assistant, Abby is used to his irascibility. But when a dangerous figure from her past reappears, Greyson offers to protect her in an unexpected way and Abby can't resist. As desire ignites and danger looms, can Greyson and Abby find their happily-ever-after?
Купить книгу Heart Of A Cowboy: Creed's Honor / Unforgiven, автора
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Heart Of A Cowboy: Creed's Honor / Unforgiven
From «First Lady of the West» Linda Lael Miller and New York Times bestselling author B.J. Daniels come two tales of love and trust in big sky country.Creed's HonorLinda Lael MillerConner Creed knows exactly who he is: a hardworking rancher carrying on his uncle’s legacy in Lonesome Bend, Colorado. Maybe a small-town cowboy’s life isn’t his dream, but he owes the man who took him in as a kid. When he meets Tricia McCall, a newcomer to the small-town, he discovers a kindred spirit who knows a thing or two of her own about living someone else’s dreams. As they each struggle with their own desires, together they might just find their own dreams in Lonesome Bend.UnforgivenB.J. DanielsIn Beartooth, Montana, land and family is everything. So when Destry Grant’s brother is accused of killing Rylan West’s sister, the high school sweethearts leave their relationship behind in order to help their families recover from tragedy. Years later, Destry is dedicated to her ranch and making plans for the future. Plans that just might include reuniting with the love of her life. Rylan, too, is done denying his feelings for Destry. But when her brother returns to clear his name and the secrets of the past threaten to resurface, their last chance at love may turn them against each other for good.
Купить книгу To All the Cowboys I’ve Loved Before: The Hottest Western Romance of 2019!, автора
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To All the Cowboys I’ve Loved Before: The Hottest Western Romance of 2019!
College just got a whole lot more complicated…Della is the perfect student. Hardworking, intelligent and hoping to make something of herself one day.But when she finds herself needing to move house, it seems that everything is conspiring against her. The only place she can afford seems too good to be true – her own room, close to campus, reasonable rent… the only catch? Her housemates are all men. And they are all cowboys.Knowing her parents would disapprove but wanting to make her own decisions, Della decides to stay. And soon, finds that great friends can come from unexpected places…as can love, too.
Купить книгу Fine Just the Way It Is: Wyoming Stories 3, автора Annie  Proulx
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Fine Just the Way It Is: Wyoming Stories 3
The fantastic new collection of stories from the Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Shipping News and Brokeback Mountain.Fine Just The Way It Is marks Annie Proulx's return to the Wyoming of Brokeback Mountain and the familiar cast of hardy, unsentimental prairie folk. The stories are cast over centuries, and capture the voices and lives of the settlers this sagebrushed and weatherworn country has known, from the native Indian tribes to the modern day ranch owners and politicians, and their cowboy forebears.In 'A Family Man', an old man nearing the end of his life unburdens himself of the weighty family secrets that were his father's unwelcome legacy. 'Them Old Cowboy Songs' follows Archie and Rosie, a young pioneer couple, and their hardships in their attempt to homestead in the exposed wintry expanses of the prairie, and 'Testimony of the Donkey' finds a young international couple, Marc and Caitlin, struggling with much more modern concerns, and confronting uncertainty as their relationship comes to its end.These are stories of desperation and hard times, often marked by an inescapable sadness, set in a landscape both brutal and magnificent. Enlivened by folk tales, flights of fancy, and details of ranch and rural work, they juxtapose Wyoming's traditional character and attitudes – confrontation of tough problems, prejudice, persistence in the face of difficulty – with the more benign values of the new west. These are bold, elegant and memorable pieces, and once more confirm Annie Proulx as one of the most talented, unique short story writers in the language.
Купить книгу Close Range: Brokeback Mountain and other stories, автора Annie  Proulx
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Close Range: Brokeback Mountain and other stories
From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of ‘The Shipping News’ comes a collection of short stories inspired by the harsh and unforgiving landscape of Wyoming. Includes the acclaimed stories, Brokeback Mountain (winner of a National Magazine Award) and The Mud Below.Brokeback Mountain is set in the beautiful, wild landscape of Wyoming where cowboys live as they have done for generations. Hard, lonely lives in unforgiving country. Jack Twist and Ennis del Mar are two ranch hands – ‘drop-out country boys with no prospects, brought up to hard work and privation, both rough-mannered, tough spoken’ – glad to have found each other’s company where none had been expected. But companionship becomes something else on Brokeback Mountain, something not looked for, something deadly.
Купить книгу Габриэль Конрой, автора Фрэнсиса Брета Гарта
Габриэль Конрой
Фрэнсис Брет Гарт (1836–1902) – американский писатель. Снискал известность реалистическим изображением быта и нравов золотоискателей в Калифорнии. Роман «Габриэль Конрой» (1875–1876) – типичный вестерн. Тут и серебряный прииск, и мексиканцы, и любовь, и коварство, и смертоубийства,и, разумеется, счастливый конец. Главный герой, по имени которого назван роман, – простодушный старатель. Нелёгкая у работяги жизнь: его обвела вокруг пальца девушка, ставшая впоследствии его женой, а затем едва не обрекла на казнь родная сестра…
Купить книгу Настоящему индейцу завсегда везде ништяк. Романтика – кислород для души, автора Миши Лютого-Архангельского
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Настоящему индейцу завсегда везде ништяк. Романтика – кислород для души
«Настоящему индейцу завсегда везде ништяк, или наши на Диком Западе» – это пародия на классический вестерн. Главные персонажи данной повести – блудливый поп и отмороженный казак. Путешествуя по Америке в компании примкнувшего к ним краснокожего, они попадают в ситуации, многократно встречавшиеся в классических вестернах, и решают их по-своему.
Купить книгу Последний из могикан, автора Джеймса Фенимора Купера
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Последний из могикан
Охотник Натаниэль Бампо вместе со своими друзьями Чингачгуком и Ункасом, индейцами из племени могикан, приходят на помощь двум прекрасным девушкам Коре и Алисе, которые пытаются пробраться к своему отцу в осажденный французами английский форт.
Купить книгу Последний из могикан, автора Джеймса Купера
Последний из могикан
Перед вами – самая знаменитая из книг американского писателя Джеймса Фенимора Купера о захватывающих приключениях отважного белого охотника и защитника индейцев Натаниэля Бумпо по прозвищу Зверобой, известного также под именами Соколиный Глаз, Кожаный Чулок, Длинный Карабин и Следопыт.
Купить книгу Зверобой, автора Джеймса Купера
Приключенческий роман входит в знаменитый цикл из пяти романов, посвященных истории колонизации Северной Америки. Трагические события гибели индейской цивилизации служат фоном, на котором разворачиваются захватывающие приключения охотника и следопыта Натти Бампо, по прозвищу Зверобой. Честный и скромный охотник, выросший среди индейцев племени делаваров, живет одной жизнью с природой. Роман повествует о юности героя, постепенно превращающегося из охотника в храброго и мудрого воина.
Купить книгу Всадник без головы (спектакль), автора Майна Рид
Всадник без головы (спектакль)
Она дочь богатого плантатора, он бедный мустангер, а значит, их любовь обречена преодолевать препятствия.